the power of five minutes

2 min readAug 30, 2024



On this planet, it takes twenty-four hours to call it a day. Before daylight hits the layer of our skin, sunrise peaks beyond clouds until sunshine explodes and dominates the morning. Before nightfall announces its arrival, the sun gracefully sets through the throne of the horizon claiming its spot before the moon quietly takes over.

It takes hours for this process to unfold yet why are we claiming we don’t have enough time for ourselves? If the sun and moon can wait for their repetitive cycle every day, I wish I could be them. I aspire to be them to show up in this world as long as possible. Despite weather disturbances, cloudy days, and roaring thunders, I want to broadcast to the whole world that it may seem impossible to grasp the will to be present all the time yet, I am still here.

I’m still here, shining despite being blocked by clouds because it will pass.

I’m still here, humming while listening to birds chirping that sounds lullaby to my eardrums as if seducing me to take a rest. It feels like a forbidden thing to do in this breakneck society.

I’m still here despite it all.

It’s twenty-four hours a day so, maybe, it’s not a sin to spare five minutes for myself. Maybe, it’s not a crime to walk outside and be in touch with nature and temporarily shut down this loud world for a little while?

Or maybe, it’s not some stealing when I want to get rained on with the tears of clouds not from the valley of my cheeks? Maybe? No. Certainly.

Just five minutes. Three hundred seconds of break instead of breaking down. It’s not easy to take it easy while it’s hard. But it’s difficult to be hard on ourselves when everything’s tangled up.

It’s not easy but it is possible. It takes a lot of stamina not to get drowned but keep swimming. Just keep swimming until your toes reach the ocean floor while keeping your head above the water.

Five minutes, okay? Five minutes. Choose to make time for that five minutes. Time hits differently when we allocate it to ourselves when we need it the most.

Be delusional until it’s real. Take it easy even if it’s hard.




—in the process of penning thoughts; say the same from twenty until infinityᵕ̈