a burning candle tears up

2 min readAug 14, 2024



“You can do anything you put your mind to.”

Flash news, I gambled everything even my heart. Each heartbeat that beats me to happiness, each heartbeat that beats me to break. With each risk I take, I often beat myself to survive and move forward. But curiosity fills my being, wondering how it feels to go as far as I can without being harsh on myself.

How does it feel to be chosen by people without a doubt? To be chosen for being me despite being mediocre. A mediocre person who is willingly trying her best despite the odds not being in her favor all the damn time. Did I come this far for this? Only to be slapped that I was just a mere individual who was trying to survive and fit into a route she wanted to give up two years ago.

Two years ago, I prayed for this time to happen. I uttered I wanted to achieve this. I was a burning candle with huge dreams and plans ahead of me. But now, I don’t know. I don’t know if I’m here because I was destined to be here or I was just challenged to be here. Did the fire flaming inside me already die? Where was the rage to smash everything with success that was once rambling loudly go?

I was and still am a burning candle. The candle tears cascading through the valleys were the sole proof of how long I was fighting for.

Let it once be me. Let it once be the people who want to continue being chosen by their dreams. Be it a choice by heart, a choice by mind, or both.

God, am I the candle? Or am I the moth that was about to be burn?




—in the process of penning thoughts; say the same from twenty until infinityᵕ̈